AI Recommendations

Download the Full Report

The task force published the full report on May 1, 2024.

Download Final Report and Recommendations [PDF, 232k]

Executive Summary

The creative power of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is unprecedented. New capabilities to automate tasks and generate unique content, with both beneficial and harmful outcomes, are being developed with increasing speed. The duty to understand, engage with, and harness generative AI is shared across every discipline and department on campus. Notre Dame’s mission compels us to approach generative AI as an opportunity to innovate and empower humankind while taking into account our responsibility to lead ethically, protect our earthly home, and care for the common good of humanity.

Notre Dame’s Generative AI Task Force (GAIT) was formed in the fall of 2023 as an interdisciplinary working group to explore and assess the potential benefits and risks associated with generative AI tools and make recommendations to University leadership for implementation.

The task force recommends that Notre Dame faculty, students, and staff interaction with generative AI be guided by the principles established by The Rome Call for AI Ethics. These principles are transparency, inclusion, responsibility, impartiality, reliability, security, and privacy. Furthermore, based on our institutional mission, the University should interact with generative AI in ways that live out our educational mission, engage in innovation and experimentation, and care for the common good.

The task force drafted overarching recommendations for campus as well as recommendations for teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and enterprise and administrative.

Venn diagram with three circles: Enterprise and Administration, Research and Scholarship, Teaching and Learning. These are encircled by one large circle called Overarching.


The committee focused its recommendations on the areas of teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and enterprise and administration, along with two overarching institutional recommendations. These recommendations, despite being categorized by domain, cannot be viewed in isolation. They form an ecosystem, interdependent on each other through shared resources and desired results.

Recommendations Summary

Overarching Recommendations Timeframe Coordinating office(s)
  1. Improve AI literacy and skills across the University, preparing students, faculty, and staff to be informed, effective, responsible, and ethical users of AI
Ongoing OIT, NDR, NDL, and Hesburgh Libraries
  1. Identify the necessary human and financial resources to enable the implementation of recommendations in all three functional areas outlined in this report
Ongoing OIT, NDR, NDL
Teaching and Learning Recommendations Timeframe Coordinating office(s) Priority (H,M,L)
  1. Develop discipline-specific guidelines and pedagogical best practices within each college and school for using generative AI to achieve learning objectives
Spring/Fall 2024 NDL, colleges, schools H
  1. Assess AI tools and inform/train faculty and students to use them for teaching and learning
Spring/Fall 2024 NDL, TLT, Hesburgh Libraries H
  1. Convene cross-disciplinary discussions with students, faculty, and staff on the benefits and risks of generative AI in teaching and learning
Spring/Fall 2024 NDL, Academic Standards, colleges, schools, OIT M
Research and Scholarship Recommendations Timeframe Coordinating office(s) Priority (H,M,L)
  1. Become the global thought leader in AI for the common good through policy-making and intellectual discourse
Ongoing NDR, Tech Ethics Ctr H
  1. Provide expert guidance to researchers for navigating the safe and ethical use of AI
  1. Provide a secure space for AI experimentation and diverse academic explorations
Ongoing NDR, CRC, and OIT M
Enterprise and Administrative Recommendations Timeframe Coordinating office(s) Priority (H,M,L)
  1. Establish a process and guidelines for the adoption of AI tools
Spring/Summer 2024 OIT, OGC H
  1. Routinely review, update, and publish policies and guidance in light of AI developments
Spring/Summer 2024 OIT, OGC H
  1. Provide access to secure University AI tools that protect ND data
  1. Establish an AI consulting and acceleration team to enable AI activities