
⚡ AI Community of Practice

This group is for folks who want to understand what this AI talk is all about and what the tools can do for them. It's a great place to demystify this tech, ask questions, share ideas, and learn together.

  • Who: Anyone interested in learning about or using AI tools
  • What: Sharing experiences in working with AI in everyday use

Join the Community of Practice Group 
Click Join Group at the top of the group page


💡AI Developer Interest Group

This group is for the folks who want to share and collaborate as they learn how to build with and on top of AI platforms, APIs, and tools. You will see code!

  • Who: Anyone interested in learning about, building with, or building on AI platforms
  • What: Introductions, short demos, and learning resources

Join the Developer Interest Group 
Click Join Group at the top of the group page