Approved AI Tools

The following tools have been approved for use with University data. You are responsible for the data you enter into and the output from AI tools . For more information, please review the Guidelines for Using Generative AI at Notre Dame.  If you have an AI tool you would like to explore, please contact us.

Zoom AI Companion

Collaborate, communicate, and get work done more efficiently with Zoom AI Companion. Let AI Companion help draft emails and chat messages, summarize meetings and chat threads, improve brainstorming with colleagues, and more — all in the easy-to-use Zoom experience you know and love. 

Note: This feature is not enabled by default. If you do not enable this feature, it will not be available to anyone in your meeting.

To enable Zoom AI Companion, please review Knowledge Base: Zoom AI Companion,  which includes detailed instructions, along with information on data privacy and responsible data use. For more, see details on Zoom AI Companion at the vendor's website.