Get to Know AI

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At the University of Notre Dame, we are embracing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence through our "Get to Know AI" initiative. As AI continues to evolve rapidly, our mission is to ensure that every member of our community—students, faculty, staff, and alumni—has the resources and knowledge to understand AI’s potential, risks, and ethical considerations for its responsible use.

Through a series of workshops, lectures, and professional development opportunities, we aim to foster a culture of informed and ethical AI engagement. Our initiative is grounded in the belief that AI can be a powerful partner in enhancing our work and lives, aligned with our values, academic integrity, and institutional mission.

Join us as we explore the possibilities of AI with curiosity, responsibility, and a commitment to leading in the responsible use of this technology. Let’s get to know AI together and unlock its potential for the greater good.

Spring Sessions will be posted in late October.

AI for Teaching and Learning Video SeriesAI Resources

Upcoming Sessions

Register for a Session

  1. Responsible AI